イギリスの高級紙The Guardianが菅首相の退陣およびその後の総裁選について伝えていますが、かなり厳しい論調です。
The LDP does not represent these people, nor does it represent the millions of immigrants who, with temporary visas and precarious employment, share the lowest rung of the job market. However, these are precisely the voices – those of women, of young people, of the precariat and of the immigrants – that are needed to help Japan deal with the problems of a rapidly ageing society, the ongoing pandemic and the climate crisis, and, ultimately, to steer Japan towards a more humane society.
After so many years of LDP rule, it’s not only the democratic system, but the very future of Japan, that is at stake. It seems unlikely that whoever wins the LDP leadership race, and becomes prime minister, will meet these challenges.
general election 総選挙
ruling party 与党
Liberal Democratic party 自由民主党
that has pushed Japan’s medical system into “disaster mode” それは(民意に反するオリンピック強行は)日本の医療システムを "災害モード "にした
Resignation 退任、辞任
polarising populist extremism 極端なポピュリストの過激主義
stranglehold 絞め殺し
electorate apathetic 選挙民の無関心