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日本人も英語を身に着けGLOBAL CITIZENになる時

執筆者の写真: 英語の記事を紹介 DCEC英語の記事を紹介 DCEC


WHOとGLOBAL CITIZENから発信された、世界のアーティストが自宅からコロナ感染の最前線で戦っているヘルスケアワーカーを励ますOne World, Together At Home。 8時間を超える大作。感動します。



レディ・ガガのメッセージ "Today I’m so happy that we are one world, together at home. I feel very honored to be a part of the World Health Organization and Global Citizen in the fight against COVID-19 and raising money for the Solidarity Response Fund, I care so much about all of the medical workers that are putting their lives at risk for us right now, I think of them every day, I pray for them every day, and I’m also thinking of all of you that are at home, who are wondering when this is all going to be different." "What I’d like to do for you tonight, if I can, is just give you the permission to, for a moment… Smile."

‘One World: Together At Home’ global special to air on Saturday, 18 April 2020 in celebration and support of healthcare workers, broadcast to feature real experiences from doctors, nurses and families around the world. LIVE: One world, #TogetherAtHome! #COVID19


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