It appears that Teslas are getting better and better at recognizing objects that are encountered in everyday inner-city driving. According to recent reports, for example, Autopilot appears to have gained the capability to recognize animals such as dogs.
The recent observations were shared by Tesla owner-enthusiast @greentheonly, who has been studying the inner workings of the electric car maker’s driver-assist system for years. In a recent post on Twitter, the Tesla owner noted that his vehicle, which was running, was recognizing dogs as pedestrian objects.
Tesla has not mentioned any improvements in its vehicles’ capability to detect and respond to animals on the road yet, though Mark Schey, a Model 3 owner, opted to conduct a brief test by having a dog sit in front of his all-electric sedan. Sure enough, the vehicle did detect the animal, recognizing it as a human in the Model 3’s center display. With this in mind, it does appear that Tesla’s vehicles are improving in terms of their capability to detect animals, or at least dogs, while they are operating.
These recent observations follow reports from Tesla owners about Autopilot responding safely to animals. Just recently, a video went viral among the EV community depicting Autopilot seemingly detecting and safely avoiding a family of ducks that are crossing the road. The incident remains unconfirmed considering that no telemetry data has been provided, but it does bode well for Tesla and Autopilot’s eventual capability to react to unexpected obstacles on the road.